About This Site

www.StopForumSpam.com is here to provide forum owners and moderators with the information that they should have, in order to keep their forums and blogs, as spam free as possible.

We provide free access to our database of known forum and blog spammers, including their email address, IP address, username, how busy they are and, in some cases, evidence of their spam. There are two ways that you can access this information, either by searching the site or by using the API provided to automate the searches. The API will allow your forum software (via a "mod" or plugin) to then make decisions about how you wish to handle the activities of spammers. More information about the API can be found here.


The site owner, Russ, decided to put this site together for the greater good of the community that was becoming swamped under the strain of spam. Russ and pedigree maintain this site in their spare time. pedigree joined shortly after and helped work on the database, the site speed and all the bugs.

This site is a "for the love of it" site. We arent paid but will happily accept donations


We will try to support people, within our limits, whenever possible. Be nice and you might be suprised at the reponse you get


Thanks to dZone who now host the server. We welcome the generous offer, support and techical expertize that they provide

CAPTCHAs are done by reCAPTCHA.

Geocoding for the country lookups are done through MaxMind's GeoLite Country data.

Privacy policy courtesy of Automattic makers of Wordpress